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An investigation of targeted double marking for GCSE and GCE

By Austin Fearnley


The aim of the current study was to investigate whether a system of double marking could be devised which would improve reliability without requiring more extensive marking by Principal Examiners. The study used two examination components and with examiners some of whom had marked without seeing each others’ marks and annotations and some who had marked while seeing others’ judgements.

The main questions asked in this research were whether or not double marking using annotated or cleaned scripts improved the reliability of marking and by how much. Further, how much improvement in reliability is there where some markers do see other examiners’ annotations and where some markers do not see the evidence of any first instance marking? A random allocation of examiners into pairs gave one method of pairing examiners for double marking purposes. A second method was that of targeted pairings based on examiners’ previous examiner performances. The effectiveness of each method was tested in the study.

How to cite

Fearnley, A. (2005). An investigation of targeted double marking for GCSE and GCE. London: Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.


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